Photographer Specialising in Equine and Field Sports

This page is acting as my portfolio for my Sport Photography.
I have been fortunate enough to visit Archie Watson and The Kübler's yards in Upper Lambourn - The Valley of the Racehorse as well as Alan King in Barbury, Wiltshire and Venetia Williams in Herefordshire. The purpose of my photos was to depict the different emotions as well as the connection and relationships between the riders and the horses on the different yards. The candid genre of photography allowed me to create a depth within the shot which then allowed me to produce a vivid and altogether compelling photograph.
More recently I have been able to get involved with some of the Point to Points. I've been visiting various pointing yards such as Alan Hill's, learning the ropes and expanding my knowledge.
Enjoy :)
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"